Janesville Community Day Care Center, Inc has a collaboration with the School District of Janesville to provide 4 year old kindergarten.
Classes run Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 11:30 am or 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm
General Information about Preschool 4 Janesville (P4J):
In the School District of Janesville, 4 year old program initiative is known as Preschool 4 Janesville (P4J).
Participation in P4J is voluntary for four year olds.
P4J provides an enrichment opportunity for four year olds prior to Kindergarten.
There are no additional charges for P4J at participating community early learning programs. This includes preschools, childcares, Head Start and childcare centers.
Early Learning programs provide part and/or full day programming which includes P4J. Centers do not charge for P4J but will charge for the extended services provided.
All families will have access to parent involvement opportunities and materials for use with their children at home.
Preschool 4 Janesville encourages partnerships that build on existing early learning programs.